General Updatey News Stuff

So, hey, The Talos Principle got some pretty nifty reviews, and even won some awards! That’s pretty cool. In fact, that’s awesome. I’m very, very happy. Whatever reservations I may have about the state of games criticism, I’m pretty glad that we were right in assuming that the people who …

A Postcard From Afthonia

There’s a new Lands of Dream game! A Postcard From Afthonia is a short excursion to the Isle of the Sun, set shortly after the events of The Sea Will Claim Everything. But don’t worry, even if you’ve never played that game used that portal, the people of the Isle …

The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle is out today! Here’s a small selection of favourite reviews: The Talos Principle is perhaps the most human game I’ve ever played. – Gaming Trend The Talos Principle is my runaway choice for Game of the Year for 2014, and if you have any interest in puzzle …

The Talos Principle is coming

As the release date of The Talos Principle approaches, I’ll be posting reviews and other links of interest here. I am, however, also preparing the release of A Postcard From Afthonia, which is ready and just being set up at Humble, and The Council of Crows, which I’d love to …

Police Violence and the Necessity of a Global Perspective

I’ve been seeing a number of English-language debates about police violence lately, particularly due to the events in Ferguson, Missouri. Most of the American debates seem to focus on matters of race, as American debates inevitably do. Now, there is no question that there is plenty of awful racism in …

More Talos Stuff, Mostly

Wow, that’s a creative post title, isn’t it? Sorry, my brain is currently out of order. I’m trying to finish up a big batch of bureaucratic buffoonery just after catching a catastrophic cold and having a horrific headache, so I’m a bit out of sorts. News and stuff: RPS published …


We’re back in Germany now. I’m working on the last stuff I need to do for The Talos Principle and trying to make sure A Postcard From Afthonia works for everyone before I release it. I had some major revelations about Ithaka of the Clouds and The Council of Crows …

There and Off Again

The best moment at Gamescom was a little boy playing The Talos Principle and turning to his mother to say “This is so awesome!” The second best was someone who was already trying to decipher the secrets of the plot, just from the demo. There are other important things to …


I’ll be at Gamescom Cologne in my role as co-writer of Croteam‘s upcoming game The Talos Principle! If you’re there, come say hi. Verena Kyratzes, the co-designer and artist of the Lands of Dream games, will also be there. Be nice to her, or Bob the Spider will make the …

The Game Itself

Reading games criticism – as separate from game reviews – is something I often find very frustrating. With some lovely exceptions, the feeling I often get when reading “games crit” could best be described as no-one is talking about the game itself. For some time now, there has been a …